What is Panappayttu?

Panapayattu is a network of money exchange which can be seen in some parts of Calicut and Kannur district of North Malabar.

"Panappayattu is a unique network system of exchange of money in which the financial needs of a person is met by a group of people on the basis of a request made the needy. The money is paid and received in a function. This function is known as panappayattu" (Dr Mohamed Kutty Kakkakunnan)

Also Known As 

There are various mentions as some other genre of Panapayattu which is called asSadiru, 'Theyila Salkkaram', 'Suhrdu Salkkaram' etc.  In Calicut and around these places, it is known asKuri Kalyanam, in places like Thalasserry and Vadakara, it is known asSadiruand especially some places in Koylandi Taluk and Vadakar Taluk, it is named asPanampayattu.

Venue of Panappayattu

'The venue of the panapayattu is usually a chayapeedika or sometimes even the household of the person who is conducting the payattu. But if the payattu is conducted in association with a marriage ceremony, it is usually performed at the house of the person who conducts payattu. There are certain conveniences in arranging payattu in a shop or in a payattu hall. The most important thing is its accessibility.  Sometimes a person has to attend more than one payattu in a day, and it is very easy for him to go to payattu hall or a shop, where payattu is being conducted, give the money and go back.


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Shahi Kumar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, CSSS, Graduate Student, Panapayattu as Money Gift: Understanding a Complex Gift Practice in South Asia

Dr. Mohamed Kutty Kakkakunnan, Indigenous Financial Systems: A Case Study Of Panappayattu In Northern Parts of Kerala